Words in Progress - a podcast for those working in content

Words in Progress - a podcast for those working in content

Sometimes I’m a content strategist and other times I’m a content designer. Many of my content friends and peers also fulfil both roles as needed. On a recent website project I worked with Christine Cawthorne from Crocstar (and founder of the Crocstar Content Community) where I was the content designer and Christine was the content strategist.

We both had our own roles and remits but there was also overlap in what we were doing. The complementary skill sets were an advantage as we could support and help each other during the project. But we also had to have clear boundaries too.

What an interesting setup, we thought. With a lot of industry interest in roles, titles and responsibilities we decided to start a podcast about this very topic and so our Words in Progress podcast was created. Not quite on the back of a napkin, more on a post it note as is fitting for two content professionals.

We have now wrapped season 1 which is 10 episodes. We recorded each episode at the end of a two week sprint as the project was progressing. In each episode we cover what we did in the sprint, what we learnt, challenges faced and take it in turn to share a top tip too.

All episodes, with transcripts, are available on anchor.fm. Here’s a rundown:

We focused on the project at hand, but a lot of what we experienced happens on other projects too. It’s an honest account of what it is really like to be a content designer and a content strategist working on complex content, with lots of stakeholders and subject experts, while trying to transform the culture of an organisation and how they approach content.

I also wrote about ...