Guiding content strategy for 80 local government sites

Erin Schroeder and the Lullabot team worked with 80 local government agencies in the state of Iowa on content strategy, replatforming and taking a more user-centred approach to content. In this episode Erin talks through the tools and processes for the project including content matrices, audits, style guides, open office hours and workshops. Erin shares how they engaged stakeholders and worked with the agencies to redesign and restructure their sites, each with their own priorities, capabilities and needs. There are great insights into how the team considered the author experience – moving all 80 agencies to Drupal 10 – and the importance they placed on accessibility and structure for constituent-facing content.

Also On

A conversation with

Erin Schroeder

Content strategist, Lullabot

Erin Schroeder is a content strategist with a rare combination of strategic prowess and a background in journalism. Organizations such as IBM, the states of Iowa and Massachusetts, and Dartmouth Health & Geisel School of Medicine Giving, have all benefitted from Erin’s ability to make content easier to find and understand while aligning with organizational goals. She’s led her projects and clients through the creation of content style guides, taxonomy, journey mapping, and usability testing.

Erin holds a BA in Journalism from St. Ambrose University and an MA in Professional Journalism from the University of Iowa. She’s also certified in content strategy by Northwestern University and has a certificate in UX writing fundamentals.

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